Top Tips For Renting With Pets: Guidance for Tenants and Letting Agents

Top Tips for Renting with Pets: Guidance for Tenants and Letting Agents

Renting with pets can be a challenging process, but with the right approach and understanding of the legal framework, it’s possible to find a suitable accommodation for both tenants and their furry companions. While landlords may have concerns about potential damage and disturbance caused by pets, tenants can take proactive steps to address these concerns and secure a pet-friendly rental property.

In this article, we’ll provide top tips for both tenants and letting agents in England to navigate the process of renting with pets effectively.

For Tenants:

In short, be transparent, provide reference, pay deposit and know your rights.

  1. Be Transparent: When searching for rental properties, be upfront about having pets. Concealing this information can lead to complications later on and may result in eviction if discovered.
  2. Pet CV and References: Offer references from previous landlords or neighbours to demonstrate that your pets are well-behaved and have not caused any issues in the past. Prepare a comprehensive CV and gather references for your pet. Include details such as age, breed, behaviour, training, vaccinations, and flea treatments. A reference from your vet and/or previous landlord can help reassure the landlord about your pet’s suitability for the property. Additionally, provide contact details for your vet and an emergency caregiver for your pet.
  3. Introduction to the Landlord: If possible, arrange for an introduction between your pet and the landlord. This allows the landlord to observe your pet’s behaviour first-hand and gain more confidence in accepting your tenancy with a pet.
  4. Offer to Pay a Pet Deposit: Consider offering to pay a pet deposit or higher rent to reassure landlords about potential damages caused by pets. This can help alleviate their concerns and make them more willing to accept your furry companions.
  5. Understanding Deposit Requirements: Familiarise yourself with deposit requirements specific to your region. In Wales, landlords may request an additional pet deposit, which should be protected in a tenancy deposit scheme. In Northern Ireland and Scotland, deposits for pets are also regulated, while in England, landlords may charge extra rent for pets but cannot request a higher tenancy deposit (due to the Tenants Fees Act 2019).
  6. Compliance with Tenancy Agreement: Respect the terms of your tenancy agreement regarding pets. Never acquire a pet without your landlord’s permission, as this could result in eviction. Be aware of any additional clauses related to pet care and responsibilities, such as rules around fouling and leaving pets alone in the property.
  7. Legal Considerations: The Tenant Fees Act in England, regulates deposits and additional charges for pets. Additionally, be aware of the Allotments Act 1950, which allows tenants to keep rabbits or hens under certain conditions.

For Letting Agents:

In short, educate, know the laws, screen tenants.

  1. Educate Landlords: Provide landlords with information about the benefits of renting to pet owners. Whish includes a larger pool of potential tenants and longer tenancy durations. Highlight the importance of conducting thorough checks and references for both tenants and their pets.
  2. Facilitate Communication: Act as a mediator between landlords and tenants to facilitate open communication and address any concerns or disputes related to pets during the tenancy. Offer solutions to mitigate risks and ensure a positive rental experience for all parties involved.
  3. Highlight Legal Obligations: Familiarise yourself with relevant legislation. Such as the Housing Act 1988 and the Equality Act 2010, which prohibits landlords from discriminating against tenants with disabilities who require assistance animals.
  4. Offer Solutions: Propose solutions to mitigate the risks associated with renting to pet owners, such as conducting regular property inspections and including pet-related clauses in the tenancy agreement.
  5. Screen Tenants Thoroughly: Screen tenants rigorously to ensure they are responsible pet owners. Request pet references, conduct background checks, and verify their ability to meet their financial obligations.

Further Assistance:

Remember to prioritise transparency, communication, and cooperation to ensure a harmonious living environment for tenants and their pets. By following these tips, both tenants and letting agents can navigate the process of renting with pets successfully. In case you would like to LoftyWorks professionals deal with the landlords and tenants from your portfolios, contact us today and we will gladly show how we can assists you.

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