Property Manager Guide: Storms

storm damage in rented apartments

In the winter, the UK is more susceptible to storms, making winter storm property protection crucial for safeguarding your rental property from heavy rain and strong winds.

We’ve compiled a comprehensive manual to help you navigate what steps to take if your rental property is impacted by a winter storm.

Getting your rental property ready for a winter storm

Prevention is key when it comes to winter storm property protection for your rental property.

How to prepare when there’s a weather warning

It can be challenging to take preventive measures for your rental property with a tenant in place. Providing a 24-hour notice before visiting is required, and if severe weather is imminent, time may not be on your side.

However, contacting your tenant and explaining the situation may lead to them granting access to the property without the 24-hour notice. Here’s an overview of the actions you can take with a weather warning:

  • In case of a flood warning, provide sandbags to your tenants to fortify doors where water might enter.
  • For high winds, secure any loose outdoor items, like garden furniture, or request tenants to bring them inside. Ensure windows and doors are closed and securely fastened.
  • In the case of an extremely severe storm, consider reinforcing property windows with plywood coverings.
  • If snowfall is predicted, visually inspect the property for exposed pipes, loose guttering, and roof damage. Additionally, purchase ground salt to spread over pathways to prevent slipping.
  • Remember to seek your tenants’ permission before implementing any changes.
  • Winter storm property protection preparations in advance

Check in advance

While emergency preparations may be challenging with tenants in place, there are things you can check in advance before severe weather strikes:

  • Pipes: Inspect all pipes to minimize the risk of water damage. Insulate external pipes and those in unheated areas to prevent freezing in snowy conditions.
  • Roofs: Check for existing roof damage, especially broken debris on the ground. Inspect the roof from ground level before winter and after to assess potential damage.
  • Guttering: Ensure guttering is undamaged, as freezing weather can cause cracks. In snowy conditions, check for loose connections due to the weight of snow.
  • Windows and doors: Examine the sealant around windows and doors to ensure they are water-tight. Consider purchasing draught excluders to insulate the property.
  • Water tanks: If there’s a water tank in the loft, ensure proper insulation to prevent freezing, which can lead to cracks and leaks. Ensure tenants know the stopcock’s location for emergency water supply shutdown.

What to do if your property is impacted by a winter storm

During extreme weather, stay in close contact with your tenants. In case of flooding, instruct them to turn off gas and electricity.

If winter storm damage requires tenants to vacate, make necessary arrangements. While landlords are not obligated to provide alternative accommodation, they may be responsible if negligence is proven.

Consider adding home emergency cover to your landlord insurance for 24/7 assistance with issues caused by winter storms.

Want your winter storm property protection and property management done right? Let’s talk!

Please, feel free to drop an email to or message us on WhatsApp at +44 330 321 3500 and we can show you how we can help.

Want to see other property management guides? Read about Gas Leak, Mould Prevention, Blocked Drains and more.


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